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AYLESCOTT DISPERSAL SALE - RUNNING FROM 27TH OCTOBER - 6TH NOVEMBER (7PM) (#92) 2022-10-27 19:00:00 BST - 2022-11-06 20:00:00 GMT Closed

Starts Ending 06/11/2022 7:00 PM GMT

Auction Info

Results: Viewing items 1-77 of 77.
  • Lot 1


    The full dispersal of Grass Harvesting Equipment on behalf of Aylescott Feeds & Driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations) consists of numerous high quality, high spec and well maintained pieces of equipment.  The majority of the equipment presented for sale in this high quality dispersal consists of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and later processed into feed. Duration: The sale will run from Thursday 27th October - Sunday 6th November (Closing from 7pm) Viewing Day: Where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November at Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. Collection Day: will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased and paid for in full on this day. PLEASE NOTE: 2 LOTS WILL CLOSE PER MINUTE FROM 7PM ON SUNDAY EVENING WITH BIDDING EXTENSION ACTIVATED MEANING IF A LOT RECEIVES A BID IN THE LAST FIVE MINUTES OF ITS CLOSING TIME THE LOT WILL AUTOMATICALLY EXTEND FOR A FURTHER FIVE MINUTES TO ALLOW OTHER BIDDERS A CHANCE TO BID AGAIN IF THEY WISH, THIS CAN HAPPEN REPEATEDLY. PLEASE MAKE USE OF THE FOLLOWING FEATURES TO AVOID CONFUSION / MISSED LOTS AND A MORE CALCULATED EXPERIENCE: WATCH LIST- ALLOWS YOU TO ADD ONLY LOTS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN AND MONITOR THESE WHILE THE SALE IS CLOSING MAXIMUM BID FACILITY-  WE STRONGLY ADVISE BIDDERS TO MAKE USE OF THE MAXIMUM BID FACILITY, IN PARTICULAR WHEN BIDDING ON MULTIPLE LOTS - THIS ALLOWS YOU TO PLACE A MAXIMUM BID AND MEANS THE COMPUTER WILL BID, ONLY WHEN NECESSARY UP TO YOUR MAXIMUM BID PRICE. IF HOWEVER IT FINISHES LOWER THAN THE MAXIMUM BID YOU HAVE PLACED THAT IS THE PRICE PAID FOR THE ITEM.  MAXIMUM BIDS WILL ONLY JUMP UP AUTMOMATICALLY IF A RESERVE IS ABOVE OR THE SAME AS THE MAXIMUM BID PLACED OR ANOTHER BIDDER BIDS AGAINST YOU.  IF A MAXIMUM BID IS PLACED THAT IS HIGHER THAN THE RESERVE THE LOT WILL SIMPLY STOP AT THE RESERVE PRICE UNLESS ANYONE ELSE BIDS. EXPORT BIDDERS:- SHOULD BE AWARE THAT CLEANSING, INSPECTING AND OBTAINING A PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE FOR ANY MACHINERY SOLD IN THIS AUCTION WILL COME AT THE COST OF THE PURCHASER. BASIC LOGISTICAL ASSISTANCE CAN BE PROVIDED BUT REQUIREMENTS SHOULD BE DISCUSSED WITH THE AUCTIONEERS  PRIOR TO THE PURCHASE. PAYMENT:  PAYMENT CAN BE MADE BY DEBIT/CREDIT CARD OVER THE PHONE UP TO £6,500. CASH CAN BE ACCEPTED UP TO A MAXIMUM OF £7500 BACS PAYMENTS ARE THE PREFERRED METHOD OF PAYMENT BACS DETAILS: HSBC - SORT CODE: 402030 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 7169 7900 BIDS: - If a successful bid has been placed you will receive a notification email confirming your bid has been placed (Please check your Junk Folder). If you are unsure at any stage about anything do not hesitate to call the Office on 01769 572042 or Harvey Pile on 07738 116669 alternatively you can email auctions@stags.co.uk  BUYER REGISTRATION: Purchasers from overseas or other areas nationally should contact the auctioneers to provide references and fully verify their account. Those that do not provide references risk having their account suspended at the auctioneers discretion when participating in our auctions.  BUYERS PREMIUM IS 10% PER LOT CAPPED AT A MAXIMUM OF £250 PER LOT EXAMPLE - £10,000 Tractor + £250 Buyers Premium EXAMPLE - 5 Lots all costing £200 (£1000 total) + £100 Buyers Premium Full Terms and Conditions for Purchasers and Sellers can be viewed in the description of each lot WEB BROWSER & BIDDING: PLEASE PLACE BIDS IN GOOD TIME AND DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL THE VERY LAST MOMENTS, IN PARTICULAR IF YOU ARE BIDDING ON MULTIPLE LOTS OR HIGH VALUE LOTS WHERE ACCURACY AND BIDDING IN TIME IS IMPERATIVE. PLEASE USE GOOGLE CHROME AS YOUR PREFERRED BROWSER FOR OPTIMUM DISPLAY AND RESPONSIVENESS PLEASE ALWAYS REFRESH THE PAGE WHEN WATCHING ITEMS COUNT DOWN - ALSO ENSURE YOUR 'CACHE' IS CLEAR AND NOT DISPLAYING OUTDATED INFORMATION THE AUCTIONEERS OR THERE SOFTWARE PROVIDORS WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY INTERUPTION WITH BIDDING DURING OUR AUCTIONS AND BIDDERS SHOULD FOLLOW MEASURES ADVISED ABOVE TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationAylescott, Burrington, North Devon

  • Lot 1A


    THE FOLLOWING TEXT HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY THE OWNER OF AYLESCOTT FEEDS & DRIERS, MR ALAN FRASER-SMITH TO PROVIDE SOME BACKGROUND TO THE BUSINESS AND INFORM CUSTOMERS NEW AND OLD OF THEIR INTENTIONS MOVING FORWARD.  Changes at Aylescott Feeds & Driers As most of you will know we have been drying grass here at Aylescott for many years and I wanted to let you know of changes that we are making. After 54 years the grass drying activity at Aylescott is coming to a close for reasons explained later and I wanted to share a quick history of what we’ve done at Aylescott and look to the future. For the avoidance of doubt we are not going anywhere. The animal feed processing and blending activity that makes products for dairy, beef and sheep farms will continue and develop over time. The products you buy from us will remain manufactured on site in the same way the only change being that we will no longer produce dried grass. My grandfather Charles Fraser-Smith came to West Aylescott in 1948. Charles started dairy farming after finishing his remarkable work in The Second World War where he was the inspiration for the character Q in Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels. That is a whole different story which has been told before and can be told again another time. My father Brian Fraser-Smith took on from Charles in the mid 1960’s, running a herd of 120 Ayrshire dairy cows. In 1968 he decided to install a small grass drier with the intention of drying (and therefore preserving) young, high nutrient value grass which would then form part of the winter diet for the dairy cows. This worked well and he began to sell dried grass to other local dairy farmers as an alternative to purchasing manufactured compound feeds. In those days the fuel source for the drying was heavy fuel oil and the harvesting equipment was somewhat different from today. Harvesting 1960s Over the next few years sales to farmers grew and Brian had to decide if he was going to be a dairy farmer with a small grass drier or a full-time grass drier. After a great deal of debate grass drying won and the dairy cows were sold in 1972. The tonnage grew and in the late 1980’s going in to the early 1990’s we were drying crop off nearly 1000 acres, producing about 5000 tonnes per annum of dried grass pellets. Most of the product was sold to ruminant feed mills across the South West as a raw material to put in cattle and sheep feeds. The fuel source also changed and in the late 1970’s both driers were running on gas as we were able to get a connection to the gas main which runs across the top of our farm. In the mid 1980’s it became attractive to install chain grate furnaces which ran on coal because gas had become very expensive in relative terms. These chain grate furnaces are still in use today. Brian also started a ruminant feeds business to help add value to the dried grass. Barley, wheat, sugar beet pulp and other animal feed raw materials like rapeseed meal, distiller’s grains and soya bean meal were bought in to mix with the dried grass and the finished feeds were sold to local livestock farmers. I came back to get involved in the business in the mid 1990’s. My job was to try and develop the ruminant feeds business whilst Brian focussed on the grass drying. Susan joined me here in Burrington soon after I came home, we married in 1998 and have three daughters who are all at various stages of their university education. Things changed again and in the early 2000’s with improved harvesting machinery and some internal changes to the plant we managed to process the same tonnage of dried grass through the one larger drier and the small Van den Broek was mothballed. It was at about then that Brian began to take more of a back seat with view to moving towards retirement. Harvesting 2022 I decided that in order to run the operation successfully we needed to shift the emphasis of our dried grass market from ruminant feed mills to the equine sector. This was achieved by some diligent marketing to buyers in equine feed companies and it meant that over the course of about 2 years over 95% of the dried grass production was going to equine sales. This has been the pattern of sales up to now. An opportunity arose in 2011 to consider making use of the mothballed Van den Broek drier to dry paper waste from news print factories and convert it in to dried bedding for dairy cows housed in the winter months. We made modifications, erected a new store and at the same time installed 150kW of ground mounted solar panels to help supplement our electricity purchases from the grid. So now we come to today. No one can be blind to pressure over the use of fossil fuels in every aspect of life and for good reason. The drying activities are totally dependent on coal which in all practical terms is unavailable to buy going forward. The costs of conversion to another fuel source are prohibitive and still reliant on fossil fuels, with options for biomass or similar not being feasible for what we do here. This has in reality made us look at what we do and we conclude the best course of action is to close down the drying activity and this is our last season. As stated above we shall still be running Aylescott Feeds producing compounds and blends for dairy, beef and sheep customers. We will continue to use only well recognised feed raw materials and seek to provide a friendly, local service. We will have the opportunity to develop and expand production by making use of the facilities released by closing the drying operation. We are in extremely challenging times for the purchase and sourcing of feedstuff raw materials not to mention the pressures on production costs but as a small operator we can operate without a massive overhead and seek to offer good value. On a lighter note I am told that the steam from the drying plant and the toasting smell that accompanies it is often used as a predictor of weather by a number of nearby farmers. I apologise if by stopping I am withdrawing this local service, I’m not sure how accurate the predictions have been, I’ll let others be the judge. I have also been questioned about links to the Vatican when a new Pope is about to be appointed, I can assure you there is no connection here! The decisions have been made with a heavy heart after so many years of business but the inevitability of change is with us all. It has been a good experience running this drying plant for the last 20 years or so…… well most of the time. Susan will vouch for the fact that I never get cross over break downs and have never been likened to the incredible hulk either in temper or colour when covered in green dust! I take my hat off to my father Brian for his innovation in setting it all up and my Grandfather Charles’ forward thinking before him: they were tough acts to follow. Susan, my family and I look forward to the new opportunities that lie ahead as we bid farewell to the last grass nut and the end of an era here at Aylescott. Thank you for your custom and we hope to have many successful years trading with you going forward Yours Alan Fraser-Smith
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationAylescott, Burrington, North Devon

  • Lot 2


    FORD CM224 FRONT MOUNTED TRACTOR MOWER 3 cylinder diesel - 1848 hours - Runs, drives and cuts - 5' cut - Hydrostatic drive - Power steering - 4 x 4; diff lock and high/low range - glow plugs may need replacing
    • VAT StatusZero
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 3


    2018 NEW HOLLAND FR650 SELF PROPELLED FORAGER 2018 New Holland FR650 forage cruiser self-propelled forger harvester - Complete with 3 metre grass header - 1318 engine hours - 883 cutting hours - Registration WA18 BUP - Full set of 40 knives - Comes with pick up hitch - Comes with reversing camera - Comes with twin beacons - Front tyres 710/70 R42 80\%+ - Rear tyres 540/65 R30 90\%+ - Bought new on farm - One driver only - comes with metal detectors - Comes with auto lube - Serviced every year by Andrew Symons - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 4


    2019 NEW HOLLAND T7.245 4WD TRACTOR 2019 New Holland T7.245 Auto Command 4WD Tractor - Comes with front linkage and PTO - Registration WA19 BYP - 1,080 Hours - Manufacturers Warranty until January 23rd 2022 - Guidance ready - Full spec - Cab and front suspension - Air con - 50K - Rear tyres: 650/65 R42 70\% Michelin - Front tyres: 540/65 R30 80\% Michelin - Sidewinder armrest - Complete with sunroof - Bluetooth radio - Comes with manual - Data tagged - Twin flashing beacons - Isobus ready - Bought new on farm - One driver only - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 5


    2013 NEW HOLLAND T7.200 4WD TRACTOR 2013 New Holland T7.200 Auto Command 4WD Tractor - Comes with front linkage and PTO - Registration: WA13 FUJ - 4,000 hours - Sidewinder arm rest - Cab and front suspension - 50K - Air con - Rear Tyres 650/65 R42 30\% Michelin - Front tyres 540/65 R30 20\% Michelin - Isobus ready - Twin flashing beacons - Complete with sun roof - Data tagged - Bought new on farm - One driver only - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 6


    2019 NEW HOLLAND T6.180 4WD TRACTOR 2019 New Holland T6.180 Dynamic Command 4WD Tractor - Complete with front linkage - Registration: WA19 BYU - 1,203 hours - Cab and front suspension - 50K - Air con - Rear Tyres 600/65 R38 70\% - front tyres 480/65 R28 50\% - Isobus ready - Complete with sun roof - Data tagged - Twin flashing beacons - Chipped by Andrew Symons - Bought new on farm - One driver only - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 7


    2018 POTTINGER TOP 1252C 4 ROTOR RAKE Isobus compatible - Comes with manual control box - Comes with Spare tines and rotor wheel - First season used was 2019 - Variable width front and back - Bought new on farm - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 8


    2021/22 KVERNELAND TRIPLE MOWER SET 2021/ 2022 Kverneland triple mower conditioner set - 2022 front 3332 FT kverneland front mower conditioner - 2021 rear 5310 MT Kverneland rear mower conditioner (only used in 2022) - Isobus compatible - Front mower has only done 600 acres - Comes with spare skids - Maximum working width is 9.8m - 10.2m - Bought new on farm - Mowers have 2 year warranty expiring in 2024 but is subject to a dealership service - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 9


    2012 MAJOR 3500 TANDEM AXLE SLURRY TANKER 2012 major tandem 3500 axle slurry tanker - New veins on pumps 2 years ago - Rear steering axle - Air and hydraulic brakes - Flotation tyres 560/60 R22.5, Good tread - Rear lights - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 10


    2020 FERTILISER AND LIME SPREADER 2020 KRM BREDAL K45 FERTLIZER AND LIME SPREADER - Comes with stainless steel fertiliser and lime discs - 12m to 36m spread - 600/55 R26.5 flotation tyres 90\%+ - Full set of operators manual - full brakes - Bought new on farm - Only spread nitrogen and potash fertilizers - Comes with head land spreading kit - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 11

    2014 STEWART GX18-23S 18 TON TRAILER

    2014 STEWART GX18-23S 18 TON TRAILER Grain and silage trailer - Air and hydraulic brakes - Sprung drawbar - 560/60 R225 flotation tyres - Lights work - Only used for silage - Bought new on farm - Hydraulic tailgate - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    2014 STEWART GX18-23S 18 TON TRAILER
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 12

    2014 STEWART GX18-23S 18 TON TRAILER

    2014 STEWART GX18-23S 18 TON TRAILER Grain and silage trailer - Air and hydraulic brakes - Sprung draw bar - 560/60 R225 flotation tyres - Lights working - Only used for silage - Bought new on farm - Hydraulic tailgate - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    2014 STEWART GX18-23S 18 TON TRAILER
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 13


    2001 ROLLAND TIPPING TRAILER 2001 Rolland Turbo 140 14 ton Tipping Trailer - Used as a silage and grain trailer - Brand new drawbar and springs fitted 3 years ago - Sprung drawbar - Brakes work, no lights - Super singles - Hydraulic tailgate - Bought new on farm - Hydraulic pipes perished - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 14


    1992 GRIFFITHS TWIN AXLE TIPPING TRAILER 1992 Griffiths 10 Ton twin Axle Tipping trailer - Hydraulic tail gate - Brakes work, no lights - Super singles - Hydraulic pipes are perished - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 15


    WATSON 10' BALLAST ROLLER 11' frame - Bought new on farm - Slightly bent towing eye - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH. This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 16


    8' BALLAST ROLLER 9' Frame - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 17


    TURNER INTERNATIONAL SNOW THROWER PTO driven - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 18


    10' SPRING TINE CULTIVATOR 3 point linkage - Some tines missing - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 19


    HOWARD PARAPLOW 4 FURROW Comes with transport wheel - Comes with original manual and parts list - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 20


    TRAILED 9' AERATOR Adjustable Width - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 21


    SET OF PALLET FORKS Manitou brackets (old style) - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 22


    FYSON ELEVATOR Comes with extra thrower - Single phase 16 AMP power supply (3 phase with inverter) - Used last year - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 23


    FYSON ELEVATOR Single phase - Used last year - Electric motor - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 24


    375 KVA STATIONARY GENERATOR 8 cylinder rolls royce engine - Engine number: T8030/8 - Not used for approx 8 years - Working when last used - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 51


    11X SHEETS USED FIBRE CEMENT ROOF SHEETS 3 sheets of 2.9m x 1.1m - 8 sheets of 1.22m x 1.12m - Some damage to edges and middle - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 52


    SHEETS OF USED FIBRE CEMENT ROOF SHEETS 12 sheets of 2.6m x 1.1m - 16 sheets of 2.12m x 1.1m - Some damage to edges and middle - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 53


    2007 STRIMECH 1.9M BUCKET Manitou brackets (old style) - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 54

    2018 MANITOU 2.4M BUCKET

    2018 MANITOU 2.4M BUCKET 1.6 cubic metre capacity - Manitou Brackets - 460 KG weight - Bought new, had little use - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    2018 MANITOU 2.4M BUCKET
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 55

    2012 ALBUTT 2.4M BUCKET

    2012 ALBUTT 2.4M BUCKET 2.1 cubic metre capacity - Manitou brackets - 580 KG weight - Some damage to front corners - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    2012 ALBUTT 2.4M BUCKET
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 56


    5,000LTR PLASTIC BUNDED FUEL TANK Comes with cube 70 delivery unit - In recent use - Slight crack on outer shell - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 57


    2,350LTR PLASTIC BUNDED FUEL TANK Complete with FMI delivery unit - In recent use - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 58


    2007 CHEERY PRODUCTS SAFETY MAN CAGE 5WL 500 kgs - 1.6M X 1.1M - Pallet fork attachment - Spring release door - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 59


    NH FORAGER WEAR SLATS + PICK UP TINES New Holland Forager wear slats and pick up tines - New and unused - Fits FR9040 + 9050 Foragers - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 60


    LARGE STARTER MOTOR New and Unused - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 61


    JCB STARTER MOTOR Fits JCB Telehandler - New and Unused - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 62


    ASSORTED TRACTOR SPARES Including: Wing mirrors, MF wheel kit and cross kit - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 63


    ASSORTED NH TRACTOR SPARES AND FILTERS New Holland Tractor spares and filters - Including 9 assorted filters - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 64


    NEW HOLLAND T6050 SPARES AND FILTERS This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 65


    NEW HOLLAND T7.200 SPARES AND FILTERS This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 66


    SUBMERSIBLE WATER PUMP Working when last used - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 67


    SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMP JS-750 Sewage pump - Working when last used - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 68


    SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMP Working when last used - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 69


    SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMP Working when last used - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 70


    LELY MOWER SPARES Came off Lely Splendimo 900 MC - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 71


    NEW HOLLAND TRACTOR DRAWBAR 67cm long - Came off NH TSA 115 Tractor - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 72


    NH REVERSIBLE DRAWBAR + PICK UP HITCH Approx 74cm - Came off TM 140/ 8360 - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 73


    PTO PARTS This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 74


    SELECTION OF LINKAGE BALLS AND GUIDES This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 75


    CAT 2 CBM TOPLINK This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 76


    CAT 2 CBM TOPLINK This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 77


    CAT 2 CBM TOPLINK Bent one end - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 78


    CAT 3 CBM TOPLINK This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 79


    CAT 3 CBM TOPLINK This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 80


    SELECTION OF SLURRY TANKER EQUIPMENT Clamps, pipes and splash plate - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 81


    2012 FAN JET SEEDER/ PELLETER APPLICATOR 2012 AG pro 130 Fan Jet slug pellet applicator - Complete with 'A' frame mounting attachments - Complete with control box - Very little use - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 82


    NEW VISQUEEN BLACK SILAGE SHEET 18.3m x 25m Silage sheet - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 83


    NEW VISQUEEN BLACK SILAGE SHEET 18.3m x 25m silage sheet - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 84


    APPROX 30 1 TON FEED BAGS This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 85


    NEW HOLLAND DRIVE SHAFT Came off New Holland TM140 - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 86


    'THE PICKHILL BANTAM' OIL COOLED WELDER Not used recently - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 87


    CEBORA POCKET TURBO 130 WELDER Not used recently - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 88


    6 TRAILER 'U' BOLTS 25cm long x 10cm wide - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 89


    5 TRAILER 'U' BOLTS 30cm long x 14cm wide - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 90


    CONNIX MAGNETIC LED REAR LIGHTS This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 91


    SPAREX 7" REVERSING CAMERA SYSTEM Has been used - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 92


    EZ-GUIDE 500 LIGHTBAR GUIDANCE SYSTEM This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 93


    2 X IBC TANKS Both in metal cages - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 94


    3 X IBC TANKS All in metal cages - All damaged - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 95


    NEW HOLLAND FR650 FORAGER SPARES This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 96


    NEW HOLLAND TRACTOR FRONT WEIGHTS Including 10 x 45kg wafer weights and front mounting block - Can hold maximum 900kg - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 97


    NEW HOLLAND TRACTOR FRONT WEIGHTS Including 9 x 45kg wafer weights and front mounting block - This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 98


    10 NEW HOLLAND 45KG FRONT WAFER WEIGHTS This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 99


    7 NEW HOLLAND 45KG FRONT WAFER WEIGHTS This lot is part of a high quality dispersal consisting of mainly 1 owner and driver machines which have been operated with care and maintained to a high standard. The fleet of equipment has solely been used and operated by one employee and used for the purpose of cutting light crops frequently cropped locally to the plant and processed into feed. The sale is being conducted on behalf of Aylescott feeds and driers (Ceasing Grass Drying Operations). A viewing day where all lots will be present for inspection is scheduled for 10AM to 5PM on Friday 4th November. Viewing on alternative days and times may be possible but anyone wishing to do so should contact the auctioneers to arrange this. A collection day will also be held on Friday 11th from 10AM - 4PM where preferably buyers can collect any items purchased on this day. The address for viewing lots is Aylescott, Burrington, Umberleigh, North Devon, EX37 9LH.
    • VAT Status20% VAT
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 100


    Included by kind permission - Tilt bed - Comes with manual winch - Needs new floor - Lots not based on sale site but will be available to view on viewing day
    • VAT StatusZERO
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 101


    Included by kind permission. - As new - Weld mesh sides - 6ft x 4ft - Lots not based on sale site but will be available to view on viewing day
    • VAT StatusZERO
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon

  • Lot 102


    Included by kind permission. - Suitable for farm use only - Solid structure - Lots not based on sale site but will be available to view on viewing day
    • VAT StatusZERO
    • Catalogue Description
    • Lot LocationBurrington, Devon
