THE WESTCOUNTRY SALES CENTRE, WILLAND 08 06, 2022 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number View ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Results: Viewing items 601-700 of 700. Previous|1234567|Next Image Lot # Item Title Quantity Time Left Your Bids 604 TOILET VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionTOILET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£12StatusSold View details 606 TOOLBOX VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionTOOLBOX All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 607 MARTEK SANDER VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionMARTEK SANDER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 608 PLUMBING FITTINGS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionPLUMBING FITTINGS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 609 PROJECTOR AND ELEC CONNECTORS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionPROJECTOR AND ELEC CONNECTORS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 610 TOOLBOX AND SHEEP SHEARS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionTOOLBOX AND SHEEP SHEARS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 611 HAYBOB TINES VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionHAYBOB TINES All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£6StatusSold View details 612 CHINAWARE AND LAMP VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionCHINAWARE AND LAMP All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 613 GLASS JARS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionGLASS JARS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£12StatusSold View details 614 GLASS JARS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionGLASS JARS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 615 3 SAWS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description3 SAWS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 616 LARGE QTY OF JARS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLARGE QTY OF JARS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£1StatusSold View details 617 BAND SAW AND PILLAR DRILL VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionBAND SAW AND PILLAR DRILL All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 618 3 BUCKETS/BARRLES VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description3 BUCKETS/BARRLES All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 619 TILLEY LAMP VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionTILLEY LAMP All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£10StatusSold View details 620 4 SHELVES OF TOYS, BOOKS, PAINTINGS ETC VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description4 SHELVES OF TOYS, BOOKS, PAINTINGS ETC All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£8StatusSold View details 621 4 SHELVES AND CONTENTS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description4 SHELVES AND CONTENTS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 622 GARDEN OBELISK VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionGARDEN OBELISK All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 623 GARDEN OBELISK VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionGARDEN OBELISK All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 624 GARDEN OBELISK VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionGARDEN OBELISK All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 625 GARDEN OBELISK VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionGARDEN OBELISK All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 626 CHEQUER PLATE STEPS VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionCHEQUER PLATE STEPS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£38StatusSold View details 627 POST HOLE DIGGER VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionPOST HOLE DIGGER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£26StatusSold View details 628 BATH VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionBATH All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 629 BANNISTREAD RAILING VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionBANNISTREAD RAILING All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£65StatusSold View details 630 6 OFFICE CHAIRS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description6 OFFICE CHAIRS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 630A WORKSHOP SHELVING VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionWORKSHOP SHELVING All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 631 SLURRY TANKER SLUESS GATE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionSLURRY TANKER SLUESS GATE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£10StatusSold View details 632 2 TABLES VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description2 TABLES All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 633 DRAWERS AND BOOKCASE ETC VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionDRAWERS AND BOOKCASE ETC All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 634 METAL BED VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionMETAL BED All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 635 7 OFFICE CHAIRS VAT Status20% VATCatalogue Description7 OFFICE CHAIRS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£5StatusSold View details 636 HUSQVARNA 345 CHAINSAW VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionHUSQVARNA 345 CHAINSAW Working - All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£45StatusSold View details 637 BERLAN CHAINSAW (UNTESTED) VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionBERLAN CHAINSAW (UNTESTED) All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£15StatusSold View details 638 BIONIC TRIMMER & MCCULLOCH STRIMMER VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionBIONIC TRIMMER & MCCULLOCH STRIMMER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 639 SEALEY OIL FILTER CAP WRENCH SET VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionSEALEY OIL FILTER CAP WRENCH SET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£12StatusSold View details 640 SNAP ON BATTERY NUT GUN (UNTESTED) VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionSNAP ON BATTERY NUT GUN (UNTESTED) All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£35StatusSold View details 641 FOSTER FREEZER VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionFOSTER FREEZER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 642 MCCULLOCH HEDGE TRIMMER VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionMCCULLOCH HEDGE TRIMMER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 643 DYNAMIK D90S NAIL GUN VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionDYNAMIK D90S NAIL GUN All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£5StatusSold View details 644 SERVIS FRIDGE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionSERVIS FRIDGE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 645 HITACHI CIRCULAW SAW VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionHITACHI CIRCULAW SAW All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£8StatusSold View details 646 STABILA LASER LEVEL & MEASURING WHEEL VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionSTABILA LASER LEVEL & MEASURING WHEEL All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£10StatusSold View details 647 JUNCTION BOXES AND CABLE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionJUNCTION BOXES AND CABLE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 648 HITACHI NR90GC NAIL GUN VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionHITACHI NR90GC NAIL GUN All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£30StatusSold View details 649 RYOBI CORDED INDUSTRIAL DRILL VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionRYOBI CORDED INDUSTRIAL DRILL All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£5StatusSold View details 650 2PC PIPE WRENCH SET VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description2PC PIPE WRENCH SET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£5StatusSold View details 651 2PC PIPE WRENCH SET VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description2PC PIPE WRENCH SET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£5StatusSold View details 652 2PC PIPE WRENCH SET VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description2PC PIPE WRENCH SET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£4StatusSold View details 653 TOOLBOX AND CONTENTS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionTOOLBOX AND CONTENTS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£8StatusSold View details 654 FOLDING TABLE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionFOLDING TABLE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 655 DINING TABLE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionDINING TABLE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 656 SEALEY TOOL CHEST ON WHEELS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionSEALEY TOOL CHEST ON WHEELS Top drawers locked (no key) - All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£35StatusSold View details 657 SELECTION OF TABLES, TROLLEYS AND STOOLS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionSELECTION OF TABLES, TROLLEYS AND STOOLS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 658 2 HEATERS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description2 HEATERS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 659 8 CHAIRS/STOOLS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description8 CHAIRS/STOOLS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£12StatusSold View details 660 DUAL GUN CABINET (KEY IN OFFICE) VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionDUAL GUN CABINET (KEY IN OFFICE) All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusCLOSED View details 661 LARGE DOG CAGE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLARGE DOG CAGE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£12StatusSold View details 662 12V BATTERY AND SUPER HAWK FENCER VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description12V BATTERY AND SUPER HAWK FENCER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£40StatusSold View details 663 2 TOP LINKS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description2 TOP LINKS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 664 COW DOOR BELL VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionCOW DOOR BELL All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 665 IRON STAKES AND HAZARD TAPE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionIRON STAKES AND HAZARD TAPE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£12StatusSold View details 666 BOX OF PIPE FITTINGS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionBOX OF PIPE FITTINGS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£12StatusSold View details 667 4 CIRCULAR PLANTERS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description4 CIRCULAR PLANTERS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£6StatusSold View details 668 2 TROUGH COTSWOLD RANGE PLANTERS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description2 TROUGH COTSWOLD RANGE PLANTERS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£12StatusSold View details 669 ALKATHENE PIPE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionALKATHENE PIPE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 670 PRO POWER MULTI GYM VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionPRO POWER MULTI GYM All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£55StatusSold View details 671 BOOK CASE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionBOOK CASE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 672 4 TOY TRUCKS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description4 TOY TRUCKS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£40StatusSold View details 673 3 PAINTINGS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description3 PAINTINGS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£2StatusSold View details 674 OFFICE DESK VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionOFFICE DESK All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusCLOSED View details 675 SS MILK CHURN VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionSS MILK CHURN All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusCLOSED View details 676 20 SAFETY BOLTS VAT Status20% VATCatalogue Description20 SAFETY BOLTS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£10StatusSold View details 677 DUAL HITCH VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionDUAL HITCH All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£20StatusSold View details 678 TONDU TLRH26 HEDGE TRIMMER VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionTONDU TLRH26 HEDGE TRIMMER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 679 JAMES PURDY SIGN & DOG ORNAMENT VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionJAMES PURDY SIGN & DOG ORNAMENT All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 680 GALV KINDLING BASKET VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionGALV KINDLING BASKET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£18StatusSold View details 681 30 FLAP DISCS VAT Status20% VATCatalogue Description30 FLAP DISCS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 682 STIHL STRIMMER CORD VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionSTIHL STRIMMER CORD All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£20StatusSold View details 683 PRUNING HERON VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionPRUNING HERON All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£30StatusSold View details 684 DISPLAY HERON VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionDISPLAY HERON All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 685 POST BOX WITH KEYS VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionPOST BOX WITH KEYS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£120StatusSold View details 686 3 WELDING RODS VAT Status20% VATCatalogue Description3 WELDING RODS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 687 AXE AND LOG SPLITTER VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionAXE AND LOG SPLITTER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 688 W DOYLE+CO TRACTOR SEAT VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionW DOYLE+CO TRACTOR SEAT All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£20StatusSold View details 689 TOW CHAIN & CASE VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionTOW CHAIN & CASE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 690 3 NODDING DOG & CAT PLANTERS VAT Status20% VATCatalogue Description3 NODDING DOG & CAT PLANTERS All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£20StatusSold View details 691 WD-40 SIGN VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionWD-40 SIGN All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 692 HOSEPIPE, REEL AND GUN VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionHOSEPIPE, REEL AND GUN All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 693 4 POTS OF FLOOR PAINT VAT Status20% VATCatalogue Description4 POTS OF FLOOR PAINT All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 694 JOHN DEERE DOOR BELL VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionJOHN DEERE DOOR BELL All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£20StatusSold View details 695 SMALL MILKING BUCKET VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionSMALL MILKING BUCKET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£25StatusSold View details 696 MEDIUM MILKING BUCKET VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionMEDIUM MILKING BUCKET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£30StatusSold View details 697 LARGE MILKING BUCKET VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionLARGE MILKING BUCKET All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£35StatusSold View details 698 AIR RIFLE VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionAIR RIFLE All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£70StatusSold View details 699 AIR PISTOL VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionAIR PISTOL All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£35StatusSold View details 700 SWISS KRAFT PRESSURE WASHER VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionSWISS KRAFT PRESSURE WASHER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 8th August from 9am - 5pm and Wednesday 10th August from 8am - 12pm. All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand StatusUnsold View details 701 BOX OF GREASE GUN & CARTRIDGES VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionBOX OF GREASE GUN & CARTRIDGES All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 23rd May (9am - 5pm) and Wednesday 25th May (9am - 12pm). All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£10StatusSold View details 702 JONSERED HT21 HEDGE TRIMMER VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionJONSERED HT21 HEDGE TRIMMER All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 23rd May (9am - 5pm) and Wednesday 25th May (9am - 12pm). All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£8StatusSold View details 703 PILLAR DRILL VAT Status20% VATCatalogue DescriptionPILLAR DRILL All items must be collected from the sale site within 2 weeks of the sale closing otherwise items will be disposed off at the purchasers loss (purchasers will still be liable for outstanding invoices). The sale site will be open to facilitate collection on the following days: Monday 23rd May (9am - 5pm) and Wednesday 25th May (9am - 12pm). All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot.Lot LocationThe Westcountry Sales Centre, Willand Winning Bid£90StatusSold View details Items per page 102550100100 Previous|1234567|Next Previous 12345677 Next