THE SOUTH WEST HANDLING LTD & GOOSEFORD DAIRY OPEN DAY MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SALE (#176) 2024-09-21 12:48:20 BST Closed Starts Ending 21/09/2024 10:30 AM BST Auction Info Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number View ▼ Results: Viewing items 1-65 of 65. Previous|1|Next Items per page 102550100100 Lot 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PURCHASERS - PLEASE READ SALE DATE: SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMENCING AT 10:30AM ONLINE BIDDING COMMENCING AT APPROX AT 1PM (If the starting time changes, live updates will be given on the day): (Online Bidding will be available on selected lots by clicking 'Click Here to Bid in or View Live Auction' at the top of the Catalogue Page. ADDRESS: Gooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ IMPORTANT INFORMATION: VIEWING AFTERNOON: Friday 20th September 2:30pm to 5pm OR Saturday 21st September 8AM onwards DELIVERY OF OUTSIDE ENTRIES: Friday 20th September 9am to 5pm OR Saurday 21st September 8am to 10am PAYMENT: ALL LOTS MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL BY ON THE SAME DAY AS PURCHASE IS MADE. PAYMENT CAN BE MADE BY DEBIT/CREDIT CARD OVER THE PHONE UP TO £5,000. CASH CAN BE ACCEPTED UP TO A MAXIMUM OF £7500 BACS PAYMENTS ARE THE PREFERRED METHOD OF PAYMENT BACS DETAILS: HSBC - SORT CODE: 402030 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 7169 7900 AUCTIONEERS MAY CALL YOU ON THE DAY OF THE SALE TO EITHER REQUEST A DEPOSIT OR FULL PAYMENT OF INVOICE COLLECTION: All lots need to be collected by 5:30pm unless prior arrangement with the auctioneers. There will be a telehandler on site to assist with loading. SOLD AS SEEN: All items are sold as untested and in many cases used. Buyers must be aware that lots may have faults and prospective purchasers must bid with this in mind. The auctioneers will where possible outline any known issues with an item but are not responsible for assessing the condition of any lot. ONLINE BIDDING: All Bidders are reminded that auctioneers will always in the first instance prioritise floor bidders in the yard/room. Therefore while pre-bids can be left and bidders can bid online in real time where a bid is placed of equal value floor bidders will take priority and subsequently win the lot. Therefore while online bidding is a great facility we emphasise that bidders should attend a sale if securing an item is critical or very important to the buyer. Stags and their software suppliers will not be held liable for any drop in connection or technical issues preventing online bids from being accepted. Lastly, while our auctioneers will allow time for online bids it is advised that bidders either leave pre-bids or bid as promptly as possible to avoid missing lots. BIDS: - If a successful bid has been placed you will receive a notification email confirming your bid has been placed (Please check your Junk Folder). If you are unsure at any stage about anything do not hesitate to call the Office on 01769 572042, Harvey Pile on 07738 116669 or Ben Slawson on 07464 869674 BUYER REGISTRATION: Purchasers from overseas or other areas nationally should contact the auctioneers to provide references and fully verify their account. Those who do not provide references risk having their account suspended at the auctioneer's discretion when participating in our auctions. BUYERS PREMIUM: IS 12.5% PER LOT CAPPED AT A MAXIMUM OF £500 PER LOT FOR ALL LOTS BOUGHT ONLINE. BUYERS PREMIUM IS 10% PER LOT CAPPED AT A MAXIMUM OF £250 PER LOT FOR ALL LOTS BOUGHT ON-SITE. EXAMPLE - £10,000 Tractor + £250 Buyers Premium EXAMPLE - 5 Lots all costing £200 (£1000 total) + £100 Buyers Premium Full Terms and Conditions for Purchasers and Sellers can be viewed in the description of each lot WEB BROWSER & BIDDING: PLEASE PLACE BIDS IN GOOD TIME AND DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL THE VERY LAST MOMENTS, IN PARTICULAR IF YOU ARE BIDDING ON MULTIPLE LOTS. PLEASE USE A DESKTOP COMPUTER WHERE POSSIBLE TO IMPROVE YOUR EXPERIENCE PLEASE USE EITHER GOOGLE CHROME AS YOUR PREFERRED BROWSER FOR OPTIMUM DISPLAY AND RESPONSIVENESS PLEASE ALWAYS REFRESH THE PAGE WHEN WATCHING ITEMS COUNT DOWN - ALSO ENSURE YOUR 'CACHE' IS CLEAR AND NOT DISPLAYING OUTDATED INFORMATION THE AUCTIONEERS OR THERE SOFTWARE PROVIDERS WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY INTERRUPTION WITH BIDDING DURING OUR AUCTIONS Catalogue DescriptionLot LocationSouth Molton,Devon StatusUnsold View details Lot 498 4 TELEGRAPH POLES 1 X 23' - 3 X 20' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£145StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 499 2 X 29' 5'' TELEGRAPH POLES VAT Status20% VatLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£130StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 500 4 TELEGRAPH POLES 2 X 23' - 2 X 27' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 501 MCCONNEL 9' RHINO TOPPER 9' Cutting width - C/w PTO - Some holes in bed - 2 rear wheels VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 502 CLAAS DISCO 3050 PLUS MOWER Believed 2014 - C/w PTO - Skirt has had repairs - Fold up - Blades ok condition - No rust on ram - Good hydraulic pipes - Working order VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£1,900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 503 TITAN FM2500 FUEL TANK Bunded - C/w fuel delivery hose, pipe & pump - Single phase VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£575StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 504 HD 6' X 4' LINK BOX Recently refurbished - C/w PTO shaft - Good hydraulic pipes - C/w rear roller - Solid wooden floor - Well built VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 505 2013 SIROMER BFGGH-175 FLAIL TOPPER Used recently - Side shift (hyd) - C/w PTO VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 506 IFOR WILLIAMS 12' LIVESTOCK TRAILER Sheep decks incomplete - Lights working - Tyres holding air (varying tread & some perishing) - Tailgates present - No partitions VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£475StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 507 15 X 8' SHEETS OF BOX PROFILE TIN Green - Unused - Approx 8' long - Plastic coated VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£330StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 508 8 x 8' SHEETS OF BOX PROFILE TIN Green - Unused - Approx 8' long - Plastic coated VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 509 8 X 8' SHEETS OF BOX PROFILE TIN Green - Unused - Approx 8' long - Plastic coated VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£170StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 510 8 X 8' SHEETS OF BOX PROFILE TIN Green - Unused - Approx 8' long - Plastic coated VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 511 9 X 8' SHEETS OF BOX PROFILE TIN Green - Unused - Approx 8' long - Plastic coated VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 512 12 X 7' 4'' SHEETS OF BOX PROFILE TIN Green - Unused - Approx 8' long - Plastic coated VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£145StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 513 POTTINGER NOVA 310T MOWER (S/R) POTTINGER NOVA 310T MOWER CONDITIONER (S/R) - Spares or Repairs - Bearing gone in the bed - Metal conditioning tines - C/w PTO shaft - Tyres holding air - Year unknown VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 514 1983 CLAAS ROLLANT 44 ROUND BALER String only - Same owner for 40 years - C/w PTO - C/w Jockey wheel - Tyres holding air - 2 owners from new - Tidy for age - Used in 2023 VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 515 ROSTER GALVANISED YARD SCRAPER 2013 - Reversible VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 516 7' GP ENGINEERING CHAIN HARROWS Solid frame - 7' 4'' total width - Good web VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 517 1983 DAVID BROWN 1490 2WD TRACTOR 6013 Hours on clock - REG: A503 MFJ - C/w V5 - 1 owner from new - Tyres holding air - Some rust in places - Driven to sale field VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£2,750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 518 KUBOTA 1.5T MINI DIGGER 3247 Hours on clock - C/w 1' & 2' buckets & 3' grading bucket - Piped for 3rd service - Wear on tracks - Front blade - C/w Spare filter - Starts, runs & drives - Hour clock working VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£3,350StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 520 GALVANISED CATTLE RING FEEDER C/w extension to make into two bale feeder - Odd defeet/bend - Perfectly useable VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£110StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 521 GALVANISED CATTLE RING FEEDER Some bends but useable - Galvanised VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£115StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 522 GALVANISED CATTLE RING FEEDER Some bends but useable - Galvanised VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£115StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 523 HD GALVANISED CATTLE RING FEEDER C/w extensions to make into two bale feeder - Mostly straight & correct - Odd minor bend VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£210StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 524 HD GALVANISED CATTLE RING FEEDER Mostly straight & correct - Odd minor bend VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 525 HD GALVANISED CATTLE RING FEEDER Mostly straight & correct but some minor bends VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£170StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 526 HD GALVANISED CATTLE RING FEEDER Mostly straight & correct - C/w extension to make into two bale feeders VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 527 IAE 2.5 GALVANISED CREEP FEEDER Straight, correct & strong - Trough solid - Adjustable vertical & horizontal access bars - Pallet fork slots VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£625StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 528 2021 6' A-Z MUCK GRAB Good tines - Good hydraulic pipes - Twin rams - Euro 8 brackets VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 529 2021 8' A-Z YARD SCRAPER Adjustable wings/ width - Reversible - Shop soiled VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 530 5' FLEMING LINK BOX Removable back VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 531 2007 AUDI A3 1.9TDI CAR MOT until 14/11/2024 - 125,357 miles on clock - C/w V5 - Last MOT at 121,602 miles - C/w CD Player - Electric windows - Starts, runs & drives - Same owner since May 2017 - Tyres have good tread VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 532 2022 2M STRIMECH GRAB KV power grab - JCB qfit - Brackets - Very good metal - Good pipes twin ram - Appears to be unused VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£2,350StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 533 PAIR OF TAURUS 16.9R34 TRACTOR TYRES Approx 30-40% tread VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 534 9 SPRING TINE CULTIVATOR Odd tines - Solid metal VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 535 JOHN DEERE 6230 PREMIUM 4WD TRACTOR C/w Quicke Q960 F/E loader - 4270.3 Hours only - REG: WA07 LWY - C/w Drawbar & Pick up hitch - C/w Top link - C/w Cab lighting & beacon - 40KPH - Same owner for last 10-11 years - Power quad - Air con - Recent oil & filter change - Front tyres approx 15-20% (some perishing) - Rear tyres approx 20-30% VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 536 IFOR WILLIAMS 12' LIVESTOCK TRAILER C/w Spare wheel & tyre - Tyres with tread - New jockey wheel - Lights present - Tailgates present VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 537 SLURRY TANKER Tyres holding air with tread - C/w rear outlet & gate valve - Corrosion to rear of barrel - C/w slurry pipe VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 538 2003 ASTWELL TRAILED BALE WRAPPER Model: 765 - C/w Control box in office - Lights present but untested - Tyres holding air - Round & square VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 539 RICHARD WESTERN REAR DISCHARGE SPREADER Tyres holding air - C/w PTO shaft - Significant corrosion - Beaters free VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 540 7' 9'' LOADER BUCKET Merlo brackets - Some splits but useable - High capacity VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 541 PALLET OF STRAPS & RATCHETS VAT Status20% VatLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£20StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 542 BOX OF STRAPS & RATCHETS VAT Status20% VatLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 543 STANDARD FORDSON N 2WD TRACTOR Starts & drives - C/w belt pulley - C/w starting handle - Tyres holding air VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£1,550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 544 5 FRONT TRACTOR WEIGHTS Unknown type - C/w bracket - Approx 40kg VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 545 2009 TEAGLE XT48 FERT SPINNER Minimal rush - C/w PTO shaft (needs guard fitting before use) VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£110StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 546 3 FLOOD LIGHTS Nordex - C/w Bulbs VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£5StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 547 RMH WAV 14 FEEDER WAGON C/w weigh dial (untested) - C/w PTO shaft (needs new guard fitting before use) - Some perished hydraulic pipes - No lights - Tyres holding air VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 548 19' 6'' LORRY TRANSPORT TRAILER 8' wide - C/w stand - Timber floor - Tyres holding air - Lights present but untested - Solid chassis - Ring hitch VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£675StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 549 JF-STOLL GX 2805 SM MOWER CONDITIONER Damage to end guard - C/w PTO shaft - Nylon condition tines - Adjustable swathe boards - Hydraulic folding - Used this year - Stand warped/bent VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 550 2020 MERLO TURBO FARMER 35.7 TELEHANDLER 3846 Hours on clock - REG: LK70 BUH - C/w pallet forks - C/w Pick up hitch - Tyres approx 50% tread - Small oil leak on headstock - Body work mostly tidy - 1 touch shuttle - 3rd service - Dead man switch on joystick VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 551 WESSEX 12' LIVESTOCK TRAILER C/w Decks & 2 sheep partition gates - Chequer plate floor - 1 tailgate damaged - Tyres holding air, varying tread - Brakes & lights believed working - Damage to back corner - Demountable VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 552 13' X 6' CAT TRANSPORT TRAILER C/w loading ramps - C/w Spare tyre - Tri axle - Tyres have good tread (1 perished) - Lights present but untested VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 553 1.5M X 86CM CADDY 530 CAR TRAILER Single axle - C/w spare tyre - Galvanised - Floor solid - Tyres have good tread VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£90StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 554 2008 MITSIBISHI L200 PICK UP TRUCK 172,512 Miles - MOT until March 2025 - REG: HD57 KPO - Tyres have good tread (fitted on the 10/02/2024) - C/w towbar - C/w Canopy - C/w CD Player - Cloth seats - Some damage to rear - New oil filter - C/w V5 - C/w Spare tyre - Driven into site VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 555 FORDSON SUPER DEXTA (S/R) Spares or Repairs - Hours unknown - C/w Safety frame - Tyres perished - C/w Key - C/w Pick up hitch VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£625StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 556 MERLO P27.7 TELEHANDLER 9,285.5 Hours on clock (unknown if correct) - REG: P346 JYD - Tyres holding air but perished - Merlo headstock - Joystick control - All glass present VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 557 KVERNELAND 3028 MOWER CONDITONR (S/R) Spares or Repairs - Works but vibration on conditioner - Nylon condition tines - C/w 2 skids - Skirt tatty - Needs new blades VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£110StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 558 MCCONNEL 9' RHINO TOPPER C/w PTO - C/w 2 wheels - Metal solid - 2 Main gear boxes done less than 100 acres since recodntioned - Chain guards - Good skids VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£775StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 559 NUGENT 16' TWIN AXLE FLATBED TRAILER Tyres have good tread - C/w spare tyre (perished) - Brakes & lights present but untested - Floor appears solid - Built in lashing points - 1 mudguard missing VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£1,950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 560 CASE LAODER & BRACKETS Some corosion VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 561 11' MACHINERY/PLANT TRAILER Electrics all good - Solid floor - LED lights - Tyres all good VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ Winning Bid£200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history View details Lot 562 2010 PEUGEOT 5008 CAR REG: OY10 MLF - 131,840 Hours on clock - C/w V5 - 7 seater - 2 Ltr, Diesel - 4 new tyres - 4 new injectors - No tax or MOT (should pass MOT with ease) - Just had full service - New front wheel bearings VAT StatusZeroCatalogue DescriptionLot LocationGooseford Farm, Whiddon Down, Devon, EX20 2QQ StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history View details Items per page 102550100100 Previous|1|Next Previous 11 Next Previous 11 Next