AUCTION 2 - DISPERSAL SALE OF SHRUBS & PLANTS 08/04/2024 1:00 PM BST - 16/04/2024 5:57 PM BST Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number View ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Results: Viewing items 101-200 of 1526. Previous|12345678...16|Next12345678910111213141516 Image Lot # Item Title Quantity Time Left Your Bids 498 5 MIXED EVERGREEN SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description4 x Skimmia 'Kew White' - 1 x Skimmia Japonica 'mystic marlot' - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£14StatusSoldBidding history(7 bids) View details 499 3 PHOTINIA X FRASERIA 'CANIVILY' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(7 bids) View details 500 5 AUCUBA JAPONICA 'ROZANNIE' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 501 5 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x Pachysandra terminalis 'variegata' - 2 x Hamamells Mollls 'jerymyns Gold' - 1 x Skimmia Japonica Mystic Marlot - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 502 7 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description3 x Pittosporum heterophyllum - 1 x Hebe francisana variegata - 1 x Ceratostigma willmottianum - 1 x Griselinia Littoralis variegata - 1 x Cotinuis 'flame' - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£34StatusSoldBidding history(17 bids) View details 503 7 CHOISYA TERNATA 'SUNDANCE' SHRUB VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£26StatusSoldBidding history(12 bids) View details 504 13 MIXED SHRUBS/ PLANTS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x Pieris Japonica 'mountain fire' - 2 x Pieris 'forest flame' - 2 x Osmanthus x Burkwoodii - 2 x Viburnum tinus 'Lisa Rose' - and others - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£46StatusSoldBidding history(17 bids) View details 505 3 AZALEA EVERGREENS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x Geisha orange - 1 x Encore autumn debutant - 1 x Conversation piece - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£14StatusSoldBidding history(7 bids) View details 506 3 AZALEA EVERGREENS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x Joseph Hill - 1 x Amoenum - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£10StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 507 6 CERCIDIPHYLLUM JAPONICUM TREES VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£26StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 508 3 QUERCUS ILEX OAK TREES VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(9 bids) View details 509 7 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x Sarococca Hookeriana humillis - 1 x Skimmia Japonica 'mystic Marlot' - 1 x Azalea Pontica - 1 x Viburnum Lisa Rose - 1 x Laurus Nobillis - 1 x Nandina - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(12 bids) View details 510 12 CRYPTOMERIA JAPANICA CEDER TREES VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£50StatusSoldBidding history(15 bids) View details 511 9 MIXED ABELIAL SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description6 x Grandiflora - 3 x Grandiflora Hopleys - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 512 4 AZARA DENTATA SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£20StatusSoldBidding history(10 bids) View details 513 2 CEANOTHUS 'YANKEE POINT' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 514 4 MIXED BUDDLEJA PLANTS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description3 x Pink delight - 1 x Buzz Candy pink - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£16StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 515 3 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x Berberis Thunbergii 'atropurpea Nana' - 1 x Aucuba Japonica 'rozannie' - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£10StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 516 5 MIXED BUDDLEJA PLANTS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description4 x buzz hot raspberry - 1 x buzz candy pink - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£16StatusSoldBidding history(9 bids) View details 517 3 MIXED BUDDLEJA PLANTS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x Royal reds - 1 x Dartmoor - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£10StatusSoldBidding history(4 bids) View details 518 5 CEANOTHUS THYRSIFLORUS 'SKYLARK' SHRUB VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£20StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 519 4 CEONOTHUS 'AUTUMNAL BLUE' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£16StatusSoldBidding history(10 bids) View details 520 3 AZARA SERRATA EVERGREEN SHRUB VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£10StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 521 4 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x Clethra alnifolia 'humming bird' - 1 x Catinus Coggygria 'royal purple' - 1 x Ceratostigma Willmottianum - 1 x Caryopteris dark knight - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£14StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 522 4 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x ceratostigma willmottianum - 1 x caryopteris dark knight - 1 x aronia arbutifolica 'erecta' - 1 x unknown - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£10StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 523 6 CARYOPTERIS DARK KNIGHT SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£38StatusSoldBidding history(14 bids) View details 524 4 MIXED CHAENOMELES SPECIOSA VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x nivalis - 1 x pink perfection - 1 x unknown - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£26StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 525 5 CHAENOMELES SPECIOSA NIVALIS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 527 3 CRINODENDRUM HOOKERIANUM LANTERN TREES VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£26StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 528 6 COTINUS 'ROYAL PURPLE' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£28StatusSoldBidding history(15 bids) View details 529 6 COTINUS 'ROYAL PURPLE' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£30StatusSoldBidding history(17 bids) View details 530 6 COTINUS 'ROYAL PURPLE' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£24StatusSoldBidding history(13 bids) View details 531 6 COTINUS 'ROYAL PURPLE' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£30StatusSoldBidding history(15 bids) View details 532 4 CONTINUS 'FLAME' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(10 bids) View details 533 5 MIXED COTONEASTER SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description4 x Coral beauty - 1 x Franchetii - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£6StatusSoldBidding history(3 bids) View details 534 4 X COTONEASTER CORAL BEAUTY SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£4StatusSoldBidding history(2 bids) View details 535 4 X COTONEASTER CORAL BEAUTY SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£4StatusSoldBidding history(2 bids) View details 536 5 MIXED WEIGALAS & VIBURNUMS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x Vibrunums 'juddii' - 2 x Weigalas 'all summer reds' - 1 x Weigalas rubidor variegata - 1 x Foliis purpiis - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£30StatusSoldBidding history(14 bids) View details 537 3 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x Aucuba Japanica 'rozannie' - 1 x Vinca Major 'wojos gem' - 1 x unknown - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£6StatusSoldBidding history(3 bids) View details 538 3 SPIRAEA JAPONICA 'GOLD MOUND' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 539 4 SPIRAEA JAPONICA 'GOLD MOUND' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£26StatusSoldBidding history(12 bids) View details 540 4 MIXED SHRUBS/TREES VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x salix alba 'chermesina' - 1 x Sambucus Racemosa 'sutherland Gold' - 1 x Physocarpus opulifolious 'dart gold' - 1 x Unknown - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(10 bids) View details 541 2 X PHOTINIA X FRASERI CANIVILY SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£20StatusSoldBidding history(10 bids) View details 542 3 DRIMYS LANCEOLATA 'RED SPICE' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£30StatusSoldBidding history(12 bids) View details 543 2 PHOTINIA FRASERI CARRE ROUGE SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 544 5 LIGUSTRUM OVALIFOLICUM 'AUREUM' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£16StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 545 6 LIGUSTRUM OVALIFOLICUM 'AUREUM' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£14StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 546 3 PYRACANTHA 'CADANGE' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£8StatusSoldBidding history(4 bids) View details 547 2 PYRACANTHA 'CADROU' SAPHYR RED' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(7 bids) View details 548 5 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x sarcoca hookerana digyna - 1 x prunus glandulosa - 1 x Lonicera nitida 'scoop' - 1 x Lonicera Syringantha - 1 x Osmanthus heterophllus 'goshiki' - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£24StatusSoldBidding history(9 bids) View details 549 4 PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS EVERGREEN SHRUB VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 550 4 PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS VARIEGATA VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(7 bids) View details 551 5 PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS VARIEGATA VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 552 2 PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS EVERGREEN SHRUB VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£8StatusSoldBidding history(4 bids) View details 553 5 MIXED NANDINA SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description4 X Lemon - lime - 1 x obsessed - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£20StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 554 6 LUMA APICULATA SHRUB VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(9 bids) View details 555 2 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x Kerria Japonica 'golden Guinea' - 1 x Sambucus racemosa 'sutherland Gold' - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£16StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 556 5 MIXED PHILADELPHUS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description3 x lemoinei - 2 x virginal - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£40StatusSoldBidding history(16 bids) View details 557 1 PYRAMIDALIS SHRUB VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£8StatusSoldBidding history(4 bids) View details 558 3 ELAEAGNUS X EBBINGEL SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 559 3 ITEA VIRGINICA HENRYS GARNET SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 560 5 KOLKWITZIA ANNABILIS PINK CLOUD SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£62StatusSoldBidding history(14 bids) View details 561 6 LAVATERA 'BURGENDY WINE' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 562 6 LAVATERA 'BURGENDY WINE' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£46StatusSoldBidding history(15 bids) View details 563 5 LAURUS NOBILIS SHRUBS VAT StatusZeroCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£4StatusSoldBidding history(2 bids) View details 564 6 HAMAMELLIS MOLLIS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£28StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 565 5 HAMAMELLIS MOLLIS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£26StatusSoldBidding history(14 bids) View details 566 5 MIXED HAMAMELIS MOLLIS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x Jermyns gold - 2 x Hammamelis Mollis - 1 x Yamina - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£40StatusSoldBidding history(14 bids) View details 567 4 HOHERIA SEXSTYLOSA STARDUST VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£30StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 568 6 HALIMIOCLSTUS X WINTONENSIS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 569 3 HALIMIOCLSTUS X WINTONENSIS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£10StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 571 3 MIXED HYDRANGEAS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x pink dymond - 1 x polar bear - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£14StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 572 6 HEBE PEWTER DOME DWARF SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£16StatusSoldBidding history(7 bids) View details 573 3 MIXED DWARF SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 X Hebe pewter dome - 1 x Hebe 'Pastel Blue' - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£14StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 574 6 HIBISCUS SYRIACUS 'RUSSIAN VIOLET' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£26StatusSoldBidding history(12 bids) View details 575 6 HIBISCUS SYRIACUS 'WOODBRIDGE' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£20StatusSoldBidding history(9 bids) View details 576 3 MIXED HIBISCUS SYRUACUS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description1 x pink giant - 1 x hamabo - 1 x woodbridge - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£28StatusSoldBidding history(7 bids) View details 577 3 PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS VARIEGATA VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 578 4 DEUTZIA X HYBRIDA 'MONT ROSE' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£26StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 579 4 DEUTZIA TORBILLION RED VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 580 5 DEUTZIA HYBRIDA 'MONT ROSE' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 581 2 DEUTZIA PULCHRA VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(8 bids) View details 582 5 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description2 x Fuchsia magallanica 'riccartonii' - 1 x Euonymus green spire - 1 x Forsythra 'week end' - 1 x Fuchsia hawkeshead - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(10 bids) View details 583 6 EUONYNMUS FORTUNEL 'EMERALD N' GOLD' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(5 bids) View details 584 7 MIXED EUONYMUS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description5 x aureus - 1 x Emerald n' Gold' - 1 ovatis aureus - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£12StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 585 4 EXOCHORDA 'SNOW WHITE' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 586 4 MIXED SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description3 x enkianthus campanulatas - 1 x euonymus hamiltonianus 'miss pinkie' - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£20StatusSoldBidding history(10 bids) View details 587 4 ESCALLONIA 'DONARD SEEDLING' SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£14StatusSoldBidding history(6 bids) View details 588 5 MIXED ESCALLONIA SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description4 peach blossom - 1 apple blossom - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£22StatusSoldBidding history(4 bids) View details 589 ESCALLONIA RED KNIGHT VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£8StatusSoldBidding history(4 bids) View details 590 1 COTONEASTER FRANCHETII SHRUB VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£2StatusSoldBidding history(1 bid) View details 591 3 COTONEASTER PROCUMBENS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Descriptionqueen of carpets' - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£8StatusSoldBidding history(4 bids) View details 592 21 SEEDING TRAYS OF PLANTS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionPrimroses, Dianthus etc - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£24StatusSoldBidding history(10 bids) View details 593 23 SEEDING TRAYS OF PLANTS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionViolas, pansies, Iberis etc - 3 additional Fatsias Japonicas - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£28StatusSoldBidding history(13 bids) View details 594 4 PRUNUS LANROCERASUS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£20StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 595 4 PRUNUS LANROCERASUS SHRUBS VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£14StatusSoldBidding history(9 bids) View details 596 12 HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'PINKY WINKY' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£18StatusSoldBidding history(9 bids) View details 597 13 ABELIA X GRANDIFLORA VAT Status20% VatCatalogue DescriptionSunshine daydream - ''This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£36StatusSoldBidding history(15 bids) View details 598 5 HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'POLAR BEAR' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£24StatusSoldBidding history(11 bids) View details 599 10 LONICERA NITIDA 'SCOOP' VAT Status20% VatCatalogue Description'This lot is part of a complete dispersal. Please note there will be a viewing day on Monday 15th April between 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Viewing is strongly advised especially as to the condition of the trees, shrubs and plants in each lot. All lots are to be collected on the collection days unless special permission is from the auctioneers or vendor. The two collection days are Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April Between 9.00AM - 5.00PM. The site address is Endsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG''Lot LocationEndsleigh Garden Nursery, Milton Abbot, Tavistock, PL19 0PG Winning Bid£8StatusSoldBidding history(4 bids) View details Items per page 102550100100 Previous|12345678...16|Next12345678910111213141516 Previous 123456789101112131415162 Next